What is Clinical Supervision?
Is a type of coaching between health & human services professionals to reflect, learn and build their skills and practice. It occurs between a more experienced practitioner ion the field they want supervision in, and a practitioner who is seeking to learn skills from that clinician. It is similar to mentoring or coaching but is specific to building and continuing one's professional reflective practice.
It can be individual, group or peer to peer. I offer individual supervision, group, management supervision in the following areas:
trauma and trauma informed care
addiction, substance use, eating issues
mental health and social emotional wellbeing
childhood and adult sexual assault
developmental trauma
somatic and sensory interventions
clinical governance, operational management, performance management
I have been practicing as a Social Worker & Counsellor since 2005 and worked in the following areas:
young people and family mediation
childhood and developmental trauma
palliative care and grief & loss
refugees & migrants
women’s health including pre & perinatal, sexual assault and eating issues
sexual health
adult ADHD
mental health
substance use / addiction
open relationships, polyamory
sexual health, chronic / infectious disease and illness
research & policy advice in child protection
children & young people in state, foster, residential and kinship care
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander workforce development & management
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health and social emotional cultural wellbeing
Since 2010 I have been working predominantly in alcohol and other drugs and dual diagnosis, with a focus on developmental trauma. Working with a range of addictions is a passion of mine and I have enjoyed working in this area for over a decade, providing therapeutic interventions as well as trainings and conference presentations in the field.
For professionals, clinical supervision is my passion and I have been providing external clinical supervision, organisational consultancy and training for human services workers since 2010.